Robert Lew Wan Fong
2 min readMay 12, 2022

Currently there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease. The only way known, is not to have it, is to mix more and talk more and not forgetting use our grey matter more.

There are three advantages when older people converse and talk more with friends

Firstly, speaking and conversing or interacting more with friends, or neighbors will activate the brain and also to keep the brain cells agile, because language and thinking ,communicating with each other, especially speaking quickly which naturally exercises the rapid reflection of thinking and also enhances memory.

Most elderly person who are not talkative and keep things to themselves is more susceptible to have ALZHELMER’S disease.

Therefore, people who has retired from working and remain cooped up without mixing and bonding with relatives , friends, or siblings and remain idle may be prone to ALZHELMER’S disease because they could no longer speak with coherence.

Secondly, speaking and mixing around could release a lot of psychological stress, thus, expel mental illness and reduce mental tension. We very often say nothing but bury all our woes cooped up in our hearts and suffocate ourselves. This is the truth and is bad.

Hence, the option is to allow older people to mix around freely and talk more, not less!

Thirdly, speaking could activate the facial muscles and at the same time, exercise the throat’s voice box and even increases the lung capacity, and at the same time it could reduce the decline of Eyes and Ears and also to reduce latent dangers, such as dizziness not forgetting deafness!

To summarize, when a person gets older, allow him or her to talk sensibly as much as possible and actively interacting with people, are the best ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease because this disease is currently the most terrifying amongst all diseases of the elderly. Currently , there is no found cure or full treatment as yet!

Not only will all the memory diminish, there are no fresh thoughts or even recognizing close family members becomes difficult.

Even your loved ones becomes a burden not only to your family but to others close to him or her. At best keep him entertained and mix around rather than be affected with this very troublesome disease.

In conclusion , lets not be a hermit but to talk more with loved ones and mix around , as many of us may be in the race as most of us are aged 60 above and time to interact more and talk more. Join neighborhood clubs of the elderly , play Mahjong or a game of cards to activate and use our brains more often as prevention is certainly better than no cure! An idle mind is the Devil’s workshop, people used to imply!




Robert Lew Wan Fong

I will be 81 and have three daughters and a son with 5 grand daughters and a grand son.